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Top 5 Side Hustles for Nurses


Top 5 Side Hustles for Nurses

  • How to get started, consider your schedules, skills, and passions.
  • 5 side-hustle ideas both in and out of the medical field.
  • Tips for how to succeed in your new side hustle.

Robert Adlerstein


July 13, 2023
Simmons University

Starting a side hustle can be a great way for nurses to earn extra income, gain new skills, and pursue their passions outside of their regular nursing job.  Whether an individual is looking to supplement their income, save for a specific goal, or simply explore new opportunities, there are plenty of side hustles that can work well for nurses.  This is a guide to getting started with a side hustle as a nurse, along with five inspirational ideas.

Getting Started

Before you jump into a side hustle, it is important to take some time to consider your goals, interests, and skills.  It is important to think about what you hope to achieve with the side hustle. Is the goal to earn extra income, develop new skills, or pursue a passion project? Consider the schedule and availability, as well as any other commitments you may have outside of work.

It is important to consider the time commitment involved in order to ensure that the responsibilities of the side hustle are being met.




Five Side Hustle Ideas

Once you have a clear idea of what you are looking for, it is time to start exploring the options.  There are many different side hustles that can work well for nurses, depending on your interests and skills.

The following are five ideas to get you started:


  1. Freelance Writing or Editing

Nurses are often skilled at communicating complex medical information in a clear and concise way.  If you enjoy writing or have experience in medical editing, you may be able to use your skills to start a freelance writing or editing side hustle.  You can find clients through online job boards, social media, or networking with other healthcare professionals.


  1. Private Nursing Services

If you enjoy working one-on-one with patients and have specialized skills or training, you may be able to offer private nursing services on the side.  This could include anything from providing in-home care to patients who require specialized medical attention to offering wellness coaching or personal training services to help people improve their overall health and wellbeing.

  1. Medical Transcription

Medical transcription involves listening to recordings of healthcare professionals and transcribing them into written documents.  If you have experience with medical terminology and enjoy typing and working independently, you may be able to start a medical transcription side hustle.  Clients can be found through online job boards or by networking with healthcare professionals.

  1. Online Tutoring

Nurses have a wealth of knowledge and experience that can be valuable to others.  If you enjoy teaching and have expertise in a particular area of healthcare, you may be able to offer online tutoring services to students or healthcare professionals.  Nurses can find clients through online tutoring platforms or by networking with other healthcare professionals.

  1. Healthcare Consulting

If you have experience in healthcare management, quality improvement, or other specialized areas of healthcare, you may be able to start a healthcare consulting side hustle.  This could involve working with healthcare organizations to improve their operations, providing training and education to healthcare professionals, or offering coaching and support to patients and their families.





Tips for Success

No matter which side hustle you chooses, here are a few key tips to help you succeed:


  • Set clear goals and expectations for the side hustle. This will help you stay focused and motivated and will ensure that you are making progress toward the objectives.
  • Manage time effectively. Make sure that enough time is allowed to devote to the side hustle each week while balancing other commitments.
  • Build a strong network. Whether you’re networking with other healthcare professionals or building a client base, having a strong network can help you find new opportunities and grow your business.
  • Continuously develop your skills and knowledge. As a nurse, you have a wealth of expertise and experience, but it is important to stay up-to-date with new developments in your field and continue learning and growing.
  • Stay organized and track your progress. Keep track of the income, expenses, and progress towards goals in order to help you stay on track and make informed decisions about the side hustle.





The Bottom Line

Starting a side hustle can be a rewarding experience for nurses looking to expand their horizons and explore new opportunities.  By following these tips and exploring different ideas, you can find a side hustle that aligns with your interests, skills, and goals.  The key is to stay focused, motivated, and to keep learning and growing along the way.  With dedication and hard work, side hustles for nurses can become a valuable source of income and a fulfilling way to pursue passions outside of a primary nursing job.

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